Ответ на вопрос: о веб-программировании в будущем
Непонятно сколько плюсов поставлено: то ли 2, то ли 1.
Ответ на вопрос: о веб-программировании в будущем
Непонятно сколько плюсов поставлено: то ли 2, то ли 1.
Выкатили новый функционал Reputation notifications seem to be broken again с багами:
We deployed some massive changes that we knew were risky but deployed carefully and up until the last build of the last application they looked awesome. In a "I wish more things would break so I don't think I'm crazy" level of awesome.
Then we built stackexchange.com (the app we considered the least likely to break anything). That's when shit hit the fan. Queues shot up. Alarms went off. Queries slowed down. Our SQL Servers slammed against 20Gb network throughput limits. HTTP requests piled up. We bounced between offline and unstable for 20 minutes. Then it went downhill from there.
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