
- 161 вопрос, описание есть
- 414 вопроса, описание есть

Основная метка -

  • ...или сжечь обе.
    – user181100
    Commented 26 апр. 2018 в 18:45
  • @D-side сжигание не эффективно.
    – αλεχολυτ Мод
    Commented 26 апр. 2018 в 18:53
  • @alexolut не принципиально, как именно. На крайний случай есть чёрный список, который точно эффективен. Вопрос, крайний ли это случай.
    – user181100
    Commented 26 апр. 2018 в 21:32

1 ответ 1



updating post history, 159 rows affected (pipe delimited)
updating posts, 161 rows affected  (pipe delimited)
updating PostTags associations, 150 rows affected
updating ForYou nudges, 0 rows affected
destroying 'hosting': [hosting] removed from (0 post, 0 history, 1 tag)
total: 1 tags deleted, 0 posts modified, 0 post histories modified
0 history records for type Question had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
0 post records of type Question had empty tags; retagged to [untagged]
updating count for target tag, new count: 564
tag remapping of [хостинг] and [hosting] complete!
remapping 0 synonyms
5 favorite and ignored tags remapped!
27 tracked tag badges were remapped!
Tag Synonym hosting -> хостинг was approved!

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