сделал два поиска по словам «days» и «count».
нет множественных форм:
tx 215: $days$ days ago
tx 473: **It looks like you might need a break…
(NumQuestions, DaysSinceLastQuestion, CalculatedLimit (дважды))
tx 591: $Days$ days $Hours$ hours $Minutes$ minutes $Seconds$ seconds $Milliseconds$ milliseconds
(Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds)
tx 592: $Days$ days $Hours$ hours $Minutes$ minutes $Seconds$ seconds
(Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
tx 1147: $EligibleVotersCount$ voters were eligible, $VisitedSiteDuringElectionCount$ visited the site during the election, $ViewedElectionCount$ visited the election page, and $VotedCount$ voted
(EligibleVotersCount, VisitedSiteDuringElectionCount, ViewedElectionCount, VotedCount)
tx 1150: $RevisionCount$ revs, $AuthorCount$ users $TopUserPercentage$%$br$$TopUserName$
(RevisionCount, AuthorCount)
tx 2031: ban $user$ from reviewing for $select$ days
tx 2241: you’ve earned this badge $MyCount$ times
tx 2274: $__count$ Flags on $siteCount$ Sites
tx 2502: You recently sent a request to merge two $siteName$ accounts. $hours$ hours has passed and we never heard back from you, so we're just letting you know the request has expired.
tx 2514: You recently sent a request to merge two Stack Exchange accounts. $hours$ hours has passed and we never heard back from you, so we're just letting you know the request has expired.
tx 2653: $Count$ results in the [help center]($query$)
tx 3676: max $MaxTagCount$ tags
tx 4144: $MonthCount$ asked this month
tx 4147: $DayCount$ questions tagged $Name$ in the last 24 hours
tx 4148: $WeekCount$ asked this week
tx 4149: $questionCount$ questions tagged $Name$ in the last $days$ days
(questionCount, days)
tx 4151: $DayCount$ asked today
tx 4152: $YearCount$ asked this year
tx 4545: This user has been **contacted** by a moderator $count$ times.
tx 4552 This user has been **suspended** $count$ times.
tx 4554 $count$ user accounts have been **merged** into this user.
tx 5482: $__count$ Flags on $siteCount$ Sites
tx 5483: $__count$ Flags on $siteCount$ Sites
tx 7123: $Days$ days $Hours$ hours $Minutes$ minutes
(Days, Hours, Minutes)
tx 3810 написано: VARIANT: count=one
, а переменная называется FormattedCount. да и перевод стоит во множественном числе.
, я нашёл далеко не одну строку, не имеющую вариантов «множественности». например, #215. я, наверно, чего-то недопонимаю?